Women's World

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Is it harder for women to get help for substance use issues? Maybe it is. 

Maybe because it intersects with society's beliefs about how women should act - it puts additional pressure on women to hide their behavior very carefully.  They are very good at it -  but it's a big risk. Drinking or using drugs can end up being deadly.

Drinking or drug use conflicts with most womens' beliefs about their role in the world.  It you ask recovering women they will tell you they were  experts in hiding the reality of their use. They're very good at it.

This is only one of the reasons why women often progress into advanced addiction before others around them even have a clue.  Even family members don't see it.   Often by the time the signs or symptoms of addiction manifest in women, it's kinda late in the process. Women are very good at hiding their addiction. That's a fact.

Even when a woman knows they have a problem, women still wonder where they can find someone they can trust to talk to about this in private about their concerns. They believe they have a lot to loose if their use becomes known. 

So, what's the solution?

Substance use is often a secretive, isolating experience for women. Even if a women thinks she ought to be able to drink as she wishes, there are lots of cultural stereotypes that get in the way. This is a conflict. It can take a serious toll on a woman’s emotional, physical, and mental health. The choice to hide the reality of using substances is very risky.  

But maybe you will take a chance on Pink Cloud Therapy services. Maybe you can quietly choose to get the help you need in overcoming the issues you are struggling with by yourself. 

Getting your concerns out in the open with someone safe is a good beginning.  You know it would be a relief to talk about it to someone who 'gets it.'

If you - or someone you know - would like to explore their substance use or other options, please get in touch. I would be honored to walk with you on your journey. I've been through it myself and working with others for over 20 years. Call me at 609-342-7502 or fill out the form and I'll get back to you soon.