Altered States

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People think in images as well as words. Adding the choice for artistic expression in therapy is useful for people who are not comfortable in using words or for people like addicts and alcoholics who are skilled at verbal manipulation.

Explaining addiction to others can be daunting. Where are the words for that?  It's difficult enough to try to convey the state of being out of control to another, try explaining why it keeps happening.  There are no words for that. There may be images that explain in ways words cannot.

It's an additional mode of communication. People who re addicted have spent many years covering up their drinking and finding excuses for their behavior. They are skilled at verbal manipulation and they use it without really intending to even when they are committed to recovery. It's a very accurate, available skill.

Art Therapy prevents that from happening. Art Therapy is a new form of expression, and it doesn't seem threatening. People enjoy it even if they don't think they have artistic skills.  It's kinda like doodling, you can do it and have some fun. 

Art therapy can be useful in breaking the silence in family therapy. Sometimes it is easier for family members to talk about what they have drawn than what is happening within themselves.  It also can be fun.

Sometimes a family just can't talk about the experiences they have had with the behaviors of the addicted family member. They have learned through bitter experience to keep their mouth shut.  But, for example, sometimes the drawing of a child might express anger and then it can be OK to discuss it.

Children may find art therapy to be useful in expressing emotions they have about the parent's behaviors. They may be able to express their inner and outer world in drawings and get some actual relief in the process. 

Art Therapy is a form of therapy that uses artistic creation as a means of communication rather than relying primarily upon verbalization. It's another way to approach and help in the pursuit of recovery from addiction for the individual, families and friends.