What's the Point?

The point is ... substance use disorder is a progressive disease. You don't get away with it.  It gets worse, no matter how much you believe it won't. And for some strange reason the default position is denial.  Denial is universal. You just don't buy it. You don't have a problem, right?

How do I know this? I've experienced it personally and I've witnessed it countless times.  Your world is falling apart and you honestly can't see it happening.  It's a strange phenomenon.  You just can't see it.

There is plenty of evidence. People who love you are telling you about it. You keep messing up over and over and still you think it isn't going to happen. In other places in your life you are completely on point and able to see the issues.  But when it comes to addiction you are unable to process the risk to benefit ratio.

I know it doesn't make sense. But it is what it is. Trust me, it's just what happens.  When it comes to the subject of your substance use disorder behavior, all bets are off.  It is the winner, and it's going to drag you down with it.

No judgement involved. Like many progressive diseases it has a mind of it's own. And you are no match for it's relentless power.  Don't blame yourself, it's a very weird disease. It would be so much easier if it were something totally physical. That would immediately take all the guilt and shame out of it - if you can. 

It's a disease. It is predictable and progressive. There is treatment for it. Many people recover from it. If it's good enough for Robert Downey, Jr, Bradley Cooper, Grace Slick, Elton John,  it's probably good enough for you. 

Let's talk about this. Give me a call sometime.
