Staying in the Present .. mostly

There is so much personal data to encounter when first not drinking and not drugging and it is often very overwhelming internally. Well -meaning people who have not experienced this highly emotional, unstable time frame do not take into account the mental ambience involved.

It's somewhat like what it might be like if you were dropped into a place you have never been before and you are expected to function as usual immediately. And, at the same time, you have definitely decided not to use the strategy you have depended on for years to calm you and help you cope.

What are the chances you could pull this off?  Your intentions may be faultless, but the reality is probably too intense.  This is similar, but a real parallel to the effect of stopping using drugs or drinking.  Bang. 

This is why when people stop using they often begin attending AA or NA meetings, or are involved with IOP or PCP or some organized therapeutic program.  

All to the good. However, it may be prudent to consider getting involved in some one to one counseling to work on stuff at your own time and choice.  It is usually an adjunct, not an either or.

So, if you think you want to work out some issues from the past or present or future planning, or other stuff please consider contacting Pink Cloud Therapy for confidential counseling.