In the Golden Years ...

Sometimes changes in circumstances make old bad habits grow like a weed. It’s a given that most people go through a lot of changes as they grow older. You can like it or not.

A lot of things involve experiences that look like loss. For instance, friends move or die, you retire from lifelong work, kids move away, or your health gets your attention for real. Any of these kinds of predictable changes can set you up for an increase in your usual use of alcohol or drugs to cope with it all. 

And that shaky choice can trigger the inevitable result of addictive alcohol or drug use that creates problems that won’t go away. Like out of the frying pan and into the fire. 

This increases the risk of cutting your own life shorter or creating new problems when it was supposed to be easy living now. For example, the loss of a partner is a devastating loss at any age, but in older age - when it is predictable and common - it is particularly serious,

It’s obvious that having just one more drink or doubling up on your pain pills might momentarily take the edge off. After all, you have to deal with everything yourself now. Who wouldn’t do that?  It’s not like you have to go to work tomorrow. 

Besides, who would you talk to about this anyway? Some young thing who won’t relate to your life experiences? Hell no. This is all understandable, it’s a dilemma. You need it, and you know you need it, but what is the next step?

Pink Cloud Therapy is there to help with experience in the issues that affect people over 60. You can be assured we get your point of view very well.  Even thought the risk of alcoholism and drug addiction is high, with some help it can change into a positive outcome that surpasses your dreams. 

Give us a call at 609-342-7502. It's totally confidential.