Counseling for Friends & Family of Addicts

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The friends and family of people struggling with addiction are always affected by that experience. There is no way around it.  They daily witness the difficult changes happening to a loved one. They often try everything in their power to help. It's likely the best intentions and choices simply aren't enough and sometimes the relationships can even seem worse when their loved ones get into recovery.  

There are predictable phases but it is inevitable that - as time passes - the addicted person may use more of their or drink to get the desired relief. And little by little, they change into someone you almost can't recognize but you live with daily. 

That sounds simple. But it's a very strange trip you are in.  Pink Cloud Therapy gets that. There is often inappropriate anger expressed during intoxication. Expressions of feelings can be supressed in the desire not to rock the boat. Family roles are twisted in the need to try to manage a person who is largely out of control.

Does this sound familiar? If your loved one comes to mind with any of the above symptoms and behaviors, it may be time to consider taking the next step to get counseling for yourself or family members. You may find you no longer find or feel pleasure or happiness in life. There are ways out of this, but you probably need help doing it.

So often your focus is on the behavior of the alcoholic or drug addict. You put aside your own needs in the attempt to manage the alcoholic or addict. Does this sound familiar?  

If it does, Pink Cloud Therapy might be able to help you figure out how to resolve the symptoms you are experiencing as a result of your loved one’s addiction. We'll guide and support you as you come up with your own plan of recovery and help you figure out what your next step might be. 

I believe that there are many paths to successful recovery that will identify with the goals and desires of your loved one. At the same time, with support, you can adjust your own reaction to the process and put the focus back on achieving your own needs and goals. That's the intention, but people usually need help getting there. 

Let us help you to take the next step and begin a new path that benefits you and your family. We are here to help you find your way.