Welcome to Pink Cloud Therapy - One Day at a Time

What is a pink cloud? In early sustained recovery from alcohol or drugs, the pink cloud is kind of a natural high.  It's the feeling that everything is going to be alright and 'I feel great.' It typically occurs in people in early sobriety or clean time and there's no way to tell how long it will last. We want to help you get there and beyond in a way that works for you. 

Easier Said than Done

Early recovery from substance use disorder isn't all scary and negative. For most people, once they stop and the problems are eliminated one by one, they feel better. That's the Pink Cloud.  As good as that is, that pink cloud doesn't last forever. The Pink Cloud starts happening when someone stops doing what is holding them back, makes some changes and starts feeling good about themselves again.  It is a well known phenomenon. It's a very good thing.

The Pink Cloud can be very motivating. For a while it helps you keep a positive attitude that can sustain you as you grow in your recovery. It feels like a fog is lifting as you get past years of scary problems and negative life experiences. It feels very good. It's a gift in early recovery and it helps people get a good start. 

The Pink Cloud is also the signal to start seriously working on creating your own stable, sober way of life so you can keep moving ahead.  It's a clue to put your energy and thoughts into finding ongoing support. At this point you start to figure out how you want to participate in your recovery for the long run.

You know you want to be a better you. Pink Cloud Therapy can offer you a safe, confidential, stigma-free space to be your authentic self and explore your concerns without judgment.  That's why we are here for you. 

About Kathy King

Hello. I've been helping people with substance use disorders for a long time. I am currently licensed in Advanced Addiction Treatment in New Jersey, California, New Mexico and nationally through IC&RC.  I am also a registered, board-certified, and licensed Art Therapist in New Jersey.

I have been an independent addiction and Art Therapy practitioner for over 25 years.  I offer professional treatment using evidence-based addiction treatment methods along with a choice for Art Therapy.

I have experience in multiple clinical settings, including individual, inpatient and outpatient settings. I worked extensively in with MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment including methadone maintenance) and in forensic areas such as prison, probation, DUI, and recovery court.

I understand that the addiction lifestyle affects family, friends and employers.  I can help you and your family create paths that work for you to make it easier to adjust to your clean and sober ways of life.